Wednesday 19 October 2011


 Fashion in the 21st Century can be sustainable for the physical environment without looking like a sack of potatoes. ‘Sustainable’ or ‘Eco fashion’ is a growing trend for the fashion industry today. To encourage more ethical fashion industry practices International bodies have established. These bodies assess the damage created by the fashion industry from a tendency to overuse economic and environmental resources.

The Centre for Sustainable Fashion in London states that the current mode of the fashion industry “can damage individuals and societies more widely through appalling working practices, and the detrimental psychological and ecological effect of consumerist fashion. A fashion piece cannot in itself create sustainability – this is created by the way in which we design, make, wear, discard and reincarnate it.” (LCF, 2009)

 Designers should also encourage a sense of environmental awareness through the use marketing and display of designs in fashion media. He use of string in the photographs symbolises the literal connection between fashion and the environment.  As string is literally the beginning phase of creating certain materials I have tried to explore the idea of acknowledging what clothes are made out of and where that material comes from. By portraying the beauty of nature in this series of fashion photographs, it is my belief that if consumers are more aware of the effects fashion can have on the environment than we can create an industry focused on sustainability. New initiatives from the Centre of Sustainable Fashion emphasise education and discovering new approaches. These initiatives are discussed in their comprehensive ‘tactics for change.’

“Businesses need to internalise costs that have been traditionally seen as external. When questioned, 90% of businesses surveyed felt that they had a responsibility for both direct and indirect impacts of their businesses on the environment (Volume 1.0: Fashion & Sustainability, A Snapshot Analysis March 2008). However this is yet to be factored into the cost of a product and against the values by which a company stands.” (LCF, 2009)

Fashion photography like the one presented in this photo essay can empower the fashion industry to implement sustainable business models with focus on considering the social, cultural and environmental impacts of their craft. The industry and consumers of fashion can thereby work together to further foster environmentally friendly collaboration in the fashionscape.

Thanks to Verity Jacobsen- I couldn't have done it without you x

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