Wednesday 16 November 2011

Your Back Stage Pass to Rachel Zoe's Style Stream

I recently dressed/ styled for Rachel Zoe's Style Stream. The event was held at the creme del a creme of Sydneys thriving fashion scene, Westfield CBD. A mecca for brands such as Gucci, Chanel, Zimmerman, Sass and Bide, and Miu Miu ( just to name a few).

For the 3 days I dressed Colour blocking with the head stylist Sarah (We actually started with 2 dressers but after the first gruelling 12 hr day........... one of the girls didn't come back).

Colour Block 101

The name is pretty self explanatory - dressing in blocks of colour.

Rachel Zoe emphasises the importance of using  "clean shapes in solid colours—the bolder and brighter the better—and wear them together. Always remembering to choose shades that suit your complexion - Rachel Zoe

Our models were Ivana Martyn and Kailah Ng of the prestigious 
Chic Management.                        
I've learnt alot from my first fashion show, a few tips and tricks here and there but mostly about myself. I felt instantly at home when I crossed the curtain to backstage and my apetite for styling and fashion is greater than ever.
 People at home created the looks for the models and sent them our way. Sometimes we were forced to put a pair of sunburnt orange Neum Skinny jeans under a bright purple Hussy playsuit, teamed with a pink Saba scarf...YIKES! 
Luckily by the 2nd day the viewers got the hang of it and we were able to really explore the trend with new and exciting tones.
The live stream was constant for 4 hours of each day. Basically every 5 minutes we were repeating the process of gathering the look, undressing the model, updating the live feed on our ipads, dressing the model and re hanging our items in the correct order. We were also constantly re-steaming garments, trouble shooting in emergencies such as repeated looks and mulfunctioning software. It definitely wasn't as frantic as the shorter fashion show but never the less my legs are aching!
I miss it already, the stylists , schedulers and models are a diverse and interesting group of people and by the 2nd day we became more of a family then anything. Helping and looking out for each other when we could. The most compelling example of this was when an ALL MALE 'tour group' was being led by Westfield exec's back of house. Before this the models were stripping off without any inch of insecurity  and then in an instant... vulnerable. My respect for professional shows has increased ten fold due the stylist and schedulers working with so much dedication and care, rallying to protect the models from the prying eyes of the outsiders. 
To wrap up  I cant wait to get involved in more shows. So happily I walk away with wonderful memories, contacts and the confidence to not only talk the talk but walk the walk.                 
Multi way leather Equestrian riding jacket by WILLOW
                                                    BATTLE- STATIONS- IPADS
                                                                   THE WINGS

                                                       OUR VIEW OF THE SHOW
                                     COLOUR BLOCKING DRESSES/BOTTOMS

                                           COLOUR BLOCKING ACCESSORIES


                                                     COLOUR BLOCKING TOPS

                                                            The End

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